AsyncIO/QueryableStateClient hanging with high parallelism

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AsyncIO/QueryableStateClient hanging with high parallelism

Hi all,

I set up a job with simple queryable state sink and tried to query it from another job using the new Async I/O API. Everything worked as expected, except when I tried to increase the parallelism of the querying job it hanged.
As you can see in the attached image, when the parallism is 5 (even <5) the job finishes within 5 seconds, but when it is >5 it hangs. Any Idea of what might be causing this behaviour? Thank you.


asynciojobs.PNG (44K) Download Attachment
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Re: AsyncIO/QueryableStateClient hanging with high parallelism

I think I found the reason for what happened. The way I used the QueryableStateClient is that I wrapped scala.concurrent.Future in a FlinkFuture and then called FlinkFuture.thenAccept. It turns out thenAccept doesn't throw exceptions and when an exception happens (which likely happened once I inreased the parallelism) the job simply doesn't finish. I solved the problem by using resultFuture.get()which araised the appropriate exceptions when they happens and failed the job.


2017-03-06 15:53 GMT+01:00 Yassine MARZOUGUI <[hidden email]>:
Hi all,

I set up a job with simple queryable state sink and tried to query it from another job using the new Async I/O API. Everything worked as expected, except when I tried to increase the parallelism of the querying job it hanged.
As you can see in the attached image, when the parallism is 5 (even <5) the job finishes within 5 seconds, but when it is >5 it hangs. Any Idea of what might be causing this behaviour? Thank you.
