Im my environment I need to collect stream of messages into windows based on some fields as key and then I need to do multiple calculations that will apply on specaified messages. for example if i had the following messages on the window:
{ts: 1, key: a, value: 10}
{ts: 1, key: b, value: 0}
{ts: 1, key: c, value: 2}
{ts: 1, key: d, value: 5}
{ts: 1, key: e, value: 6}
{ts: 1, key: f, value: 7}
{ts: 1, key: g, value: 9}
- for the keys a, b and c I need to calculate the average of the values (12/3=4) and generate another message like {ts: 1, key: abc, value: 4}
- for the key f and d I need to get the sum (5 + 7 = 12) and generate {ts: 1, key: fd, value: 12}
and I don't need the messages with the key e and g
So I did the following:
.keyBy(4, 5)
but I don't know how flink can help me to apply the logic to the data. I think I need to use some method other than reduce or aggregate.
Any help will be appreciated.