Apache Qpid connector.

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Apache Qpid connector.

Master Yoda
[hidden email] Hello,   Is there a flink source and sink from/to Apache Qpid. ? I searched around a bit but could not find one. Would I need to write one if there isn't one already ?

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Re: Apache Qpid connector.

Hey (Master) Parag,

I don't know anything about Apache Qpid, but from the homepage[1], it looks like the protocol is just AMQP? Are there more specifics than that? If it is just AMQP would the RabbitMQ connector[2] work for you?


On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 11:26 AM Master Yoda <[hidden email]> wrote:
[hidden email] Hello,   Is there a flink source and sink from/to Apache Qpid. ? I searched around a bit but could not find one. Would I need to write one if there isn't one already ?

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Re: Apache Qpid connector.

Master Yoda

Hi Austin, thanks for the response. Yes, the protocol is AMQP. I will try out the RabbitMQ connector with Qpid


On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 12:22 AM Austin Cawley-Edwards <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hey (Master) Parag,

I don't know anything about Apache Qpid, but from the homepage[1], it looks like the protocol is just AMQP? Are there more specifics than that? If it is just AMQP would the RabbitMQ connector[2] work for you?


On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 11:26 AM Master Yoda <[hidden email]> wrote:
[hidden email] Hello,   Is there a flink source and sink from/to Apache Qpid. ? I searched around a bit but could not find one. Would I need to write one if there isn't one already ?
