I have a simple data pipeline of a Kafka source, a flink map operator and a Kafka sink.
I have a quick question about latency caused by the checkpoint on the exactly once mode.
Due to the changes are committed and visible on a checkpoint completion, so the latency could be as long as that length of checkpoint interval e.g. 5seconds?
Is my understanding correct?
If I use the at least mode, there will be this addition on latency. More interestingly, the flink document https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.7/internals/stream_checkpointing.html indicate that "dataflows with only embarrassingly parallel streaming operations (map()
, flatMap()
, filter()
, …) actually give exactly once guarantees even in at least once mode."
Unfortunately, I have been not able to achieve the exactly once with the at least once. Do I need more settings than I have with the exactly once mode?
Many thanks for the advises in advance.