Thanks! I looked in the file that sort of works with both the configuration file and these environment variables. After inspection, it doesn’t make sense to set FLINK_CONF_DIR in that config file
since that location determines where we would look for that file.
However, I thought that I could add a patch to this shell script to at least allow someone to set the Hadoop and Yarn configuration directories in the config file.
I think the FLINK_CONF_DIR points to the conf directory. This is the place where the Flink CLI looks for the flink-conf.yaml file.
I think there is an alternate option for HADOOP_CONF_DIR, YARN_CONF_DIR but I am not sure.
Check this
Config option - “fs.hdfs.hadoopconf:“
~ Abhi
Can I set these in the configuration file? This would be ideal vs. environment variables for me but I’m not seeing it in the documentation.