Yes, this is definitely doable in Flink, and should be very straightforward.
Basically, what you would do is define a FlinkKafkaConsumer source for your Kafka topic [1], following that a keyBy operation on the hostname [2], and then a 1-minute time window aggregation [3]. At the end of your pipeline would be a InfluxDB sink. There isn’t one out of the box, but it should be fairly easy to implement.
If you want deterministic results based on event-time processing, that is also possible [4].
Just throwing you links to get started here :) Let us know if you have more problems getting started.
On 10 August 2017 at 8:52:25 PM, Madhukar Thota ([hidden email]) wrote:
We have use case where we have thousands of Telegraf agents
sending data to kafka( some of them are sending 10s interval, 15s
interval and 30s interval). We would like to aggregate the incoming
data to 1 minuter interval based on the hostname as key before we
write into influxdb. Is it possible to do this type of usecase with
Flink? if so any sample to get started?
sample data ( influxdb line protocal) coming from Kafka
weather,location=us-midwest,season=summer temperature=82 1465839830100400200