If you want to change under what identifier metrics are exported please
have a look at scope formats in the flink documentation:
https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/monitoring/metrics.html#scopeIf i understood you correctly the goal would be to remove the host and
taskmanager parameters.
On 24.08.2017 10:45, Sridhar Chellappa wrote:
> Folks,
> I am using RichMapFunction to generate codahale like metrics from
> different taskmanagers spread across an N-Node cluster. When I see the
> visualizations (Grafana on InfluxDB), I see all of the metrics as
> separate streams ($host.$taskmanager.$uuid.$metricname).
> I thought I can aggregate these metrics(counters from all boxes into
> one aggregate count) using Grafana but am Unable to do so. Is there
> way to change my code such that this is possible?