Adding file into src project

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Adding file into src project

Hermann Azong
Hello dear Community,

I'm new to flink and currently I try to have the apache flink quickstart running on my eclipse environment.
So currently everything is running pretty well, but I have some Warning that I want to fix.
Robert given me some advices how to fix this warning but the warnings still appear, maybe I have missed something.
Please find in attachment my current environment setup, I would like to have some feedback what is wrong on my configuration.



Bildschirmfoto vom 2015-04-17 11:57:27.png (205K) Download Attachment
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Re: Adding file into src project


the file looks nice. The issue is that the resources folder is not marked as a source/resource folder, that's why Eclipse is not adding the file to the classpath.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Hermann Azong <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello dear Community,

I'm new to flink and currently I try to have the apache flink quickstart running on my eclipse environment.
So currently everything is running pretty well, but I have some Warning that I want to fix.
Robert given me some advices how to fix this warning but the warnings still appear, maybe I have missed something.
Please find in attachment my current environment setup, I would like to have some feedback what is wrong on my configuration.

