[ANNOUNCE] Weekly community update #45

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[ANNOUNCE] Weekly community update #45

Till Rohrmann
Dear community,

this is the weekly community update thread #45. Please post any news and updates you want to share with the community to this thread.

# First release candidate for Flink 1.7.0

The community has published the first release candidate for Flink 1.7.0 [0]. Please help the community by giving the RC some exposure and report any problems you might encounter.

# External shuffle service

Zhijiang started a proposal to add support for an external shuffle service to Flink [1]. Please join the discussion to learn more.

# Flink operators for Kubernetes

Anand from Lyft shared his work on a Flink Kubernetes operator with the community. If you want to learn more visit this document [2].

# Flink SQL DDL Design

Shuyi kicked off a discussion about adding support for SQL DDL to Flink [3]. Chime in if you want to voice your opinion.

# Enhancing flink scheduler by implementing blacklist mechanism

Yingjie proposed to add a blacklisting mechanism to Flink [4]. It will allow to black list unreliable TaskManagers which won't be used for further scheduling. That way, the job execution will be more reliable.

# Flip-23: Model serving

Boris published his work on the model serving [5] library on Github [6]. Check it out!

# Flink web UI based on Angular 7

Yadong shared a web UI used at Alibaba with the community [7]. It is a rework of the existing web UI based on Angular 7.

# Flip-27: Refactor source interface

Aljoscha started discussing the design of the new source interface [8].

# Enhance Table API functionality

Xiaowei and Jincheng started discussing potential improvements to Flink's Table API and streaming SQL [9, 10]. If you want to learn more about the Table API and streaming SQL's future, then join this discussion.
