[ANNOUNCE] Weekly community update #35

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[ANNOUNCE] Weekly community update #35

Till Rohrmann
Dear community,

this is the weekly community update thread #35. Please post any news and updates you want to share with the community to this thread.

# Flink 1.7 community roadmap

The Flink community started discussing which features will be included in the next upcoming major release. Join the discussion to voice your opinion and learn more about the next Flink version [1].

# Extend Flink to support external shuffle services

Zhijiang kicked off a discussion about extending Flink so that the shuffle service responsible for exchanging data between different stages is pluggable. This extension would allow to support different implementations which can be optimized for different use cases. Join the discussion to learn more about it [2].

# Flink Forward Berlin 2018

Next week Flink Forward Berlin will take place [3]. It is a great opportunity for the community to meet each other in person, to learn about the latest Flink features and use cases as well as to discuss Flink's future development.
