[ANNOUNCE] Weekly community update #24

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[ANNOUNCE] Weekly community update #24

Till Rohrmann
Dear community,

this is the weekly community update thread #24. Please post any news and updates you want to share with the community to this thread.

# flink-shaded 4.0 released

flink-shaded 4.0 has been released [1] which bumps Flink's shaded Netty dependency to 4.1.24.

# Rework of Flink website

The community has started discussing a rework of the Flink website [2]. The goal is to improve the website's structure and to provide more valuable information about the project and the community.

# Flink 1.6 features

The community has started a discussion about the next upcoming features in Flink 1.6 [3]. The goal is to gather ideas and agree on a direction for the next release. If you have any ideas or want to learn where you could help, then please join the ML thread.
