[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2020/22

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[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2020/22

Konstantin Knauf-3
Dear community, 

happy to share this week's community update with an update on the upcoming Apache Flink releases: Flink 1.11 and Flink Stateful Functions 2.1. With the community focused on release testing  the dev@ mailing list remains relatively quiet.

Flink Development

* [releases] Release Testing for Flink 1.11 is progressing. To follow the testing efforts check out the Flink 1.11 burndown board [1] in the Flink Jira. Stephan proposes to backport FLIP-126 to Flink 1.11 (after the feature freeze) as it is an isolated change and to avoid breaking the newly added source interface again in the next release. [2]

* [releases] Apache Flink-shaded 11.0 was released. Flink 1.11 will depend on it. [3]

* [releases] Gordon just published the first release candidate for Apache Flink Stateful Functions 2.1. [4]

* [savepoints] I started a small discussion about documenting (breaking) backwards compatibility of Apache Flink's savepoint format. [5]

Notable Bugs

* Flink 1.10.1 seemed to have reintroduced an issue with Kerberos-secured MapR environments. [6]

Events, Blog Posts, Misc

* Ververica has added a second training to Flink Forward Global (Oct 20) shifting the two conference days back by day. The new dates are 19th/20th Oct for training, and 21st/22nd Oct for conference/talks. [7] Pre-registration is already opened. [8]


