Dear community,
with only a few days left until the planned feature freeze for Flink 1.11 the dev@ mailing list is getting pretty quite while everyone is working on their final features. Hence, this week only a short update.
Flink Development
* [releases] Yu has published RC #3 for Flink 1.10.1. Voting is still ongoing, no -1s so far. [1]
* [development process] Robert has revived a thread to update the roadmap published on the Flink website, which led to a conversation on how to keep it up-to-date as part of the regular release process. [2]
Notable Bugs
Nothing came to my attention.
Events, Blog Posts, Misc
* Marta recapps the last months in a community update blog post on the Flink blog [3].
* Apache Flink applies to Google's Season of Docs. The announcement blog post has been published on the Flink Blog. 4[]
* Upcoming Meetups
* May 16th, Apache Flink 杭州站线上 Meetup, Apache Flink China [5]
* May 27th, Apache Flink + FlinkSQL + FLaNK Talks, Future of Data, New Jersey [6]