[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2020/14

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[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2020/14

Konstantin Knauf-2
Dear community, 

happy to share this week's community update with Flink on Zeppelin, full support for VIEWs in Flink SQL, Ververica Platform Community Edition and a bit more.

Flink Development

* [releases] Four issues (3 Blockers, 1 Critical) left for Flink 1.10.1 at this point. [1]

* [statefun] On Friday, Gordon published the sixth release candidate for Apache Flink Stateful Functions 2.0.0. No votes so far. [2]

* [clients] With the release of Zeppelin 0.9, Flink is now available on Zeppelin! The thread also contains a series of valuable, introductory blog posts on the topic. [3] 

* [sql] Kurt has formally started the discussion to make the Blink planner the default planner in Flink 1.11+. A lot of positive feedback so far. [4]

* [sql] Zhenghua Gao has revived the discussion on FLIP-71 to fully support VIEWs in Flink SQL (including persisting VIEWs in the Catalog). [5] 

* [sql] Jark started a discussion on FLIP-112 to shorten & simplify the connector property keys in Flink SQL and Table API. [6]

* [python] Dian Fu proposes to support the conversion between Flink Tables and Pandas DataFrames. [7]

* [docker] Andrey has updated FLIP-111 to unify Flink Docker images based on feedback by Ufuk and Patrick Lucas. It seems like this can soon go to a vote. [8]

* [development process] Aljoscha reminds everyone to create Jira tickets for all test failures if none exists for this test yet. [9]


* On Tuesday, Ververica published Ververica Platform Community Edition on flink-packages.org. The Community Edition is a no-cost version of our enterprise offering and aims to make deploying, operating and managing Apache Flink applications easier for everyone. It requires Kubernetes and a distributed file system or object storage. [10]

Notable Bugs

* [FLINK-16913] [1.10.0]  You currently can not configure the RocksDbStatebackend in the native Kubernetes support of Flink 1.10. Resolved for 1.10.1.   [11]

Events, Blog Posts, Misc

* Dawid and Zhijiang joined the Apache Flink PMC. Congratulations! Additionally, I have joined as a Committer :) [12]

* Marta has published a Flink community update on the Flink blog which among other things looks into the number of contributions to Apache Flink over time as well as the responsiveness of the community in addressing these. [13]


Konstantin (@snntrable)


Konstantin Knauf | Head of Product

+49 160 91394525

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