[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2019/44

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[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2019/44

Konstantin Knauf-2
Dear community,

happy to share this week's community digest with updates on the ongoing release cycle, end-to-end performance testing, changes to the Table API and a discussion on the Flink Per-Job Mode (aka Application Clusters).

Flink Development

* [releases] We have about one month until the planned feature freeze for Flink 1.10 and Gary has shared another status update. Check it out for a good overview of the ongoing development threads. [1]

* [development process] Yu proposes to integrate end-to-end performance tests into our build process. For this he has published FLIP-83 [2] which describes two benchmark jobs and a list of configuration scenarios to consider. In a first step the tests would focus on throughput in a small standalone cluster. [3]

* [development process] Yu reminds all FLIP authors to keep the FLIP status in Confluence up-to-date to facilitate release planning [4]

* [sql] Terry Wang proposes a few changes to the API of the TableEnvironment (TableEnvironment#execute/sqlQuery/sqlUpdate etc.) to better support asynchronous submission and multi-line sql statements and to make the API more consistent overall. [5] 

* [clients] Tison has started a discussion on Flink's per-job mode and highlights two shortcomings of the current implementation. First, the per-job mode only allows a single JobGraph to be executed. Second, on YARN, the JobGraph is compiled on the client side, not in the Flink Master as in the Standalone Per-Job mode. There has already been quite some feedback on the proposal, which mostly emphasizes the need for multiple JobGraphs in per-job mode and advantages of the current client-side compilation of the JobGraph. [6]

* [connectors] flink-orc has been moved from "flink-connectors" to "flink-formats". [7,8]

Notable Bugs

* [FLINK-14546] [1.9.1] [1.8.2] The RabbitMQSource might leave open consumers around after a job is cancelled or stopped. PR available. [9]

Events, Blog Posts, Misc

* Becket Qin is now a member of the Apache Flink PMC. Congratulations! [10]

* Euroa Nova has published a Flink Forward Europe recap on their blog including key takeaways and summaries of selected talks. [11]

* Preetdeep Kumar has published the first part of a series of articles on Streaming ETL with Apache Flink on DZone. [12]

* Upcoming Meetups
    * There will be Flink/Spark talk at the next Chicago Big Data [13] on the 7th of November. No idea what it will be about (can't join the group) :)
    * At the next Athens Big Data Group on the 14th of November Chaoran Yu of Lightbend will talk about Flink and Spark on Kubernetes. [14]
    * We will have our next Apache Flink Meetup in Munich on November 27th with talks by Heiko Udluft & Giuseppe Sirigu, Airbus, and Konstantin Knauf (on Stateful Functions). [15]


Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect

+49 160 91394525

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