Dear community, happy to share this week's community update with the release of Flink 1.9.1, a couple of threads about our development process, the sql ecosystem and more. Flink Development ============== * [releases] Apache Flink 1.9.1 was released. [1,2] * [statefun] Stephan has started a separate discussion on whether to maintain Stateful Functions in a separate repository or the Flink main repository after its contribution to Apache Flink. The majority seems to prefer a separate repository e.g. to enable quicker iterations on the new code base and not to overwhelm new contributors to Stateful Functions. [3] * [development process] The NOTICE file and the directory for licenses of bundled dependencies for binary releases is now auto-generated during the release process. [4] * [development process] According to our FLIP process the introduction of a new config option requires a FLIP (and vote). Aljoscha has started a discussion to clarify this point, as this is currently not always the case. Looks like the majority leans towards a vote for every configuration change, but possibly making it more lightweight than a proper FLIP. [5] * [development process] Xiyuan gave an update on Flink's ARM support. Travis ARM Support is in alpha now (alternative to previously proposed OpenLab), and regardless of the CI system Xiyuan points the community to a list of PRs/Jiras, which need to be solved/reviewed. [6] * [configuration] The discussion on FLIP-59 to make the execution configuration (ExecutionConfig et al.) configurable via the Flink Configuration has been revived a bit and focuses on alignment with FLIP-73 and naming of the different configurations now. [7] * [sql] Based on feedback from the user community, Timo proposes to rename the "ANY" datatype "OPAQUE" highlighting that a field of type "ANY" does not hold any type, but a data type that is unknown to Flink. [8] * [sql] Jark has started a discussion on FLIP-80 [9] about how to de/serialize expressions in catalogs. [10] [9] Notable Bugs ========== * [FLINK-14429] [1.9.1] [1.8.2] When you run a batch job on YARN in non-detached mode, it will be reported as SUCCEEDED if when it actually FAILED. [11] Events, Blog Posts, Misc =================== * This discussion on the dev@ mailing list might be interesting to follow for people using the StreamingFileSink or BucketingSink with S3. [12] * There will be full-day meetup with six talks in the Bangalore Kafka
Group on the 2nd of November including at least three Flink talks by Timo Walter (Ververica), Shashank Agarwal (Razorpay) and Rasyid Hakim (GoJek). [13] Cheers, Konstantin (@snntrable) -- Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect +49 160 91394525 Follow us @VervericaData Ververica -- Join Flink Forward - The Apache Flink Conference Stream Processing | Event Driven | Real Time -- Ververica GmbH | Invalidenstrasse 115, 10115 Berlin, Germany -- Ververica GmbHRegistered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: HRB 158244 B Managing Directors: Timothy Alexander Steinert, Yip Park Tung Jason, Ji (Tony) Cheng |
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