[ANNOUNCE] Flink Forward training registration closes on September 30th

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[ANNOUNCE] Flink Forward training registration closes on September 30th

Fabian Hueske-2
Hi all,

The registration for the Flink Forward Europe training sessions closes in four weeks.
The training takes place in Berlin at October 7th and is followed by two days of talks by speakers from companies like Airbus, Goldman Sachs, Netflix, Pinterest, and Workday [1].

The following four training sessions are available [2]:
* Developer Training (Java/Scala)
* Operations Training
* SQL Developer Training
* Tuning & Trouble Shooting Training

If you'd like to participate in one of the sessions, you should register soon at

Members of the Flink community get a 50% discount on training and conference tickets if they register with the code FFEU19-MailingList
Apache committers (regardless of which project they contribute to) get a free ticket if they register with their Apache email address and use the code FFEU19-ApacheCommitter
