[ANNOUNCE] Flink Forward 2016: First round of speakers and sessions is out

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[ANNOUNCE] Flink Forward 2016: First round of speakers and sessions is out

Kostas Tzoumas
Hi everyone,

I wanted to share this with the community: we have announced the first round of speakers and sessions of Flink Forward 2016, and it looks amazing!

This year we have a great mix of use case talks (e.g., by Netflix, Alibaba, Intel, Cisco, King, Zalando, etc), in-depth developer-oriented talks on Flink existing and upcoming features by committers and contributors, and several talks on the wider stream processing landscape, including Apache Beam (incubating), streaming SQL, and more.

As a reminder, the last day for early bird tickets is this Sunday, July 31. I'm really looking forward to seeing as many of us there as possible!
