Hi everyone,
The registration for Flink Forward SF 2020 is open now!
Flink Forward San Francisco 2020 will take place from March 23rd to 25th.
The conference will start with one day of training and continue with two days of keynotes and talks.
We would like to invite you to join the Apache Flink community to connect with other Flink enthusiasts and learn about Flink use cases, operational best practices, and technical deep dives.
Please register at
https://events.evolutionaryevents.com/flink-forward-sf-2020 if you'd like to attend Flink Forward SF.
* As a member of the Flink community we offer you a 50% discount on your conference pass if you register with the code: FFSF20-MailingList
* If you are an Apache committer (for any project), we offer a *free* conference pass if you register with your Apache email address and the discount code: FFSF20-ApacheCommitter