[ANNOUNCE] Berlin Buzzwords 2019 - Call for Presentations open until Febr. 17th

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[ANNOUNCE] Berlin Buzzwords 2019 - Call for Presentations open until Febr. 17th

Fabian Hueske-2
Hi everyone,

The Call for Presentations for the Berlin Buzzwords 2019 conference is open until Febr. 17th.

Berlin Buzzwords [1] is an amazing conference on all things Scale, Search, and Stream(!) with a great and open minded community and a strong focus on open source.
Next year's edition takes place on June 16th to 18th (in Berlin ;-) ) and is the 10th anniversary of the conference.

As a member of the program committee, I'd like to encourage you to submit a talk if you have an exciting (Flink) use case or story to share.
