A little doubt about the blog A Deep To Flink's NetworkStack

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A little doubt about the blog A Deep To Flink's NetworkStack

Hi, community

I read this blog  A Deep To Flink's NetworkStack

In the chapter *Physical Transport*, it says that the /if different subtasks
of the same task are scheduled onto the same TaskManager, their network
connections towards the same TaskManagers will be multiplexed and share a
single TCP channel for reduced resource usage./.

But I check the code I think each taskmanager have a NettyServer and a
NettyClient which work with a channel. So i think the tcp channel is shared
between the taskmanager remote connection no matter there is different
subtasks of the same task are scheduled onto the same TaskManager or not.

Please correct me if my thoughts was wrong.


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Re: A little doubt about the blog A Deep To Flink's NetworkStack

Hi Aitozi,

The current connection sharing is only suitbale for the same jobVertex between TaskMangaers via ConnectionIndex. I ever tried to remove this limit by ticket [1] but have not reached an agreement on this.
You could watch this jira if interested.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10462

From:aitozi <[hidden email]>
Send Time:2019年6月16日(星期日) 22:19
To:user <[hidden email]>
Subject:A little doubt about the blog A Deep To Flink's NetworkStack

Hi, community

I read this blog  A Deep To Flink's NetworkStack

In the chapter *Physical Transport*, it says that the /if different subtasks
of the same task are scheduled onto the same TaskManager, their network
connections towards the same TaskManagers will be multiplexed and share a
single TCP channel for reduced resource usage./.

But I check the code I think each taskmanager have a NettyServer and a
NettyClient which work with a channel. So i think the tcp channel is shared
between the taskmanager remote connection no matter there is different
subtasks of the same task are scheduled onto the same TaskManager or not.

Please correct me if my thoughts was wrong.


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Re: A little doubt about the blog A Deep To Flink's NetworkStack

Hi Zhijiang,

Thanks for your explanation, I have understood it. My former thoughts was
wrong, the real TCP channel was established when


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